
“You should see the difference in my plants this year as compared to last when I was regularly using your products. They are about half the size and not nearly as robust. The difference is striking! I can hardly wait till my order arrives so that I can right the situation. Unrelated to my order, can you tell me if I should remove the suckers from my plum tree? I’m particularly interested in getting it started on a diet of your products once again. It’s growth was fantastic last year because of them. Your improved website is absolutely grand. There’s so much pertinent and important information to be had. And it’s written with such wonderfully understated intelligence. Thank you as always for your wonderful service.”
Linda Evans, Salt Spring Island, BC

“I really appreciate all of your hard work and expertise that went into your website/company.”
Dave Dittmar, Backyard Organics, Guelph, Ontario

“I think you have some great products and website and good business practices.”
Jeffrey, Vernon, BC

“We have been using your products since the beginning of the summer and we are having good results. Thanks so much.”
Isabelle Morris, Wyndlow Farms, Ladysmith, BC

“I just stumbled across your site and have barely begun to troll it, but I already know that this is the site/business that I would want to provide if I were to do the same thing! And not only Canadian but out of BC! Wow! “Fundamental ingredients for plants and soil”. It couldn’t be said any better. Well done.”
Natasha, Sunshine Coast, BC

“Christina has provided us with some key elements that have helped us build a far more resilient aquaponics system. This is our first successful harvest since we began! Sound advice, knowledge, understanding and time, along with carefully selected products and fast shipping make the whole experience a real pleasure.”

“I received my order and was quite impressed by the quality of product and service. It is apparent to me that the gardeners pantry is about more than profits; a rarity in our world today. I’m sure I will be doing business with you once again.”

“I love the site which is easy to operate and I’m impressed with all the stuff I’m learning here.”

“We started mulching Oct 2009 on soil that was about 80% sand. The increase in growth and biodiversity have been incredible. Our only additions to the mulch have been seaweed (yearly), EM solution (1st spring) and endomycorrhizae (to individual plants).”

“I wanted to take a moment to express how refreshing it is to find a good, local supplier of these important biostimulants & microorganisms used in organic/ sustainable horticultural practices. I regularly utilize products like liquid kelp, sea minerals, fish hydrolysate, humic acids, and molasses, as well as brewing my own batches of compost tea. I do seem to turn to The Organic Gardener’s Pantry for some fascinating additional information on various processes & application rates. In my experience, shipping of the products has been impressively rapid too! Highly recommended”
Scott Hurst, Organic Gardener,
North Vancouver, BC

“I came looking for your opinion on what makes “good” and “healthy” soil. I’ve read Joel Salatin and Michael Pollan in depth and consider them to be the current authority on the importance of “growing soil” (Joel’s term), and after browsing your site, see nothing at odds with his philosophy. In fact, I feel right at home! Nice site.